by bhaisir | Apr 7, 2023 | Mindfulness
Keep memories that uplift you and release those that weigh you down. Let longing bring comfort, not burden.
by bhaisir | Apr 5, 2023 | Mindfulness
Emotions arise in countless ways – from art to nature, music to memories, kindness to triumphs, and love to loss. Express them through movement, creativity, communication and stillness; let them guide purposeful actions that reflect your true self.
by bhaisir | Apr 4, 2023 | Mindfulness
Thoughts spark emotions; emotions, in turn, shape our thoughts. Thoughts are woven from memories, experiences, and knowledge.
by bhaisir | Apr 3, 2023 | Mindfulness
Be realistic. Imagination sparks creativity and hope, but only when grounded in reality and action does it lead to meaningful outcomes. Dream consciously, visualize and work towards turning aspirations into results.
by bhaisir | Apr 2, 2023 | Mindfulness
Reality is what exists, phenomena are not permanent and truth is how we interpret reality based on perception, context or belief systems. Truth depends on reality to be valid; reality exits independently. Let go of attachments, expectations and the need for control....
by bhaisir | Apr 2, 2023 | Mindfulness
Phenomena includes everything that emerges within reality, shaped by causes and conditions. They are transient and temporary—when those causes and conditions change or end, phenomena also change or disappear, but reality remains. This includes events, experiences,...